• Petrochemical Industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Energy industry
  • Food industry
  • Refinery
Ondrstroj Engineering, s.r.o.

Ondrstroj Engineering, s.r.o.

The company is researching business cases, contracting with end customers, ordering production (at Ondřejovické strojírny but also at other entities outside the holding), buying materials, providing after-sales service – hiring staff from Ondřejovická strojírna for all activities.
Ondřejovická strojírna a.s.

Ondřejovická strojírna a.s.

This company is new only to manufacturing, employs both manufacturing and techno-economic workers, holds certifications and part of manufacturing technologies. The plant was created in 1899 under Hassmann and Son. From the inception, engineering production gradually focused on stonecutters, wood-working machines, distillery equipment, hand pumps and hydroelectric turbines was introduced. After the ... (more)
ONDRSTROJ Controling s.r.o.

ONDRSTROJ Controling s.r.o.

This company ensures the economic operation of companies in the ONDRSTROJ group. It analyzes costs, optimizes cash flow within the ONDRSTROJ group and checks the efficiency of resource management.
ONDRSTROJ Servis s.r.o.

ONDRSTROJ Servis s.r.o.

It ensures payment transactions for selected companies of the ONDRSTROJ group, ensures proper fulfillment of tax and fee obligations. This company also pays wages to employees of selected companies in the ONDRSTROJ group.
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Christmas holidays

Christmas holidays

Our company will be closed from 23.12.2024 - 3.1.2025 due to the Christmas holidays.     We will be looking forward to further cooperation in the new year.
HTRI Membership Certificate

HTRI Membership Certificate

From 1 December 2023, ONDRSTROJ ENGINEERING s.r.o. is owner of HTRI software license. HTRI is the world's leading supplier of software for calculations, simulations and visualization of heat transfer in heat exchangers.Our companies use the product for precise process designs of exchangers for the chemical, petrochemical and energy industries.
IDC Future Enterprise Awards

IDC Future Enterprise Awards

Great news from the first ever IDC competition! In the previous post, we mentioned that the jury of the IDC Future Enterprise Awards nominated us for a special award in the Hospodářské noviny competition. Our Digitization ONDRSTROJ project took a worthy 2nd place in this competition! Isn't that great? The official announcement, which took place on 12/10/2023 in Prague, was attended by OS repres ... (more)
IDC Future Enterprise Awards

IDC Future Enterprise Awards

We were nominated (based on digiworkshop about digitalization in our company this year) for two categories by the Innovation Centre of the Olomouc Region for the IDC Future Enterprise Awards. In both categories (Best in Future of Digital Infrastructure and Digital Leader of the Year) we came very close to the podium - 4th place. And that´s certainly nothing to be ashamed of.   The offi ... (more)


Our company has signed a contract with the company UDT in the previous days. The company UDT is Polish state inspection and certification company in the field of technical equipment. We have already successfully completed the certification for authorization to carry out repairs and modernization of pressure and non-pressure vessels in the past. The goal of this further cooperation is a successful ... (more)