ONDRSTROJ Controling s.r.o.This company ensures the economic operation of companies in the ONDRSTROJ group. It analyzes costs, optimizes cash flow within the ONDRSTROJ group and checks the efficiency of resource management. | |
ONDRSTROJ Controling s.r.o.This company ensures the economic operation of companies in the ONDRSTROJ group. It analyzes costs, optimizes cash flow within the ONDRSTROJ group and checks the efficiency of resource management. | |
Ondrstroj Engineering, s.r.o.The company is researching business cases, contracting with end customers, ordering production (at Ondřejovické strojírny but also at other entities outside the holding), buying materials, providing after-sales service – hiring staff from Ondřejovická strojírna for all activities. | |
Ondrstroj Majetková s.r.o.This company owns all the real estate and sub-leases the machine shop premises to companies inside and outside the holding company. | |
ONDRSTROJ Servis s.r.o.It ensures payment transactions for selected companies of the ONDRSTROJ group, ensures proper fulfillment of tax and fee obligations. This company also pays wages to employees of selected companies in the ONDRSTROJ group. | |
Ondrstroj Stavby, s.r.o.This company is engaged in the rental of real estate, apartments and non-residential premises. | |
Ondřejovická strojírna a.s.This company is new only to manufacturing, employs both manufacturing and techno-economic workers, holds certifications and part of manufacturing technologies. The plant was created in 1899 under Hassmann and Son. From the inception, engineering production gradually focused on stonecutters, wood-working machines, distillery equipment, hand pumps and hydroelectric turbines was introduced. After the ... (more) | |